

Code of Conduct

Focus Education Services (or Focus) has established the code of conduct to strive to maintain a safe, caring and healthy learning environment. It is the shared responsibility of students and staff to demonstrate positive conduct while learning with Focus.

Everyone has an obligation to:

  • Support learning
  • Promote safety
  • Respect personal space and privacy
  • Model courtesy, compassion, and respect

Everyone must refrain from engaging in any in-person or digital communication or behaviour that is considered to be:

  • Interfering with the learning and working of others
  • Bullying, harassing, intimidating, retaliating, discriminating or violent
  • Unsafe or illegal acts

All students and staff of Focus are expected to comply with the purpose and spirit of the BC Human Rights Code including not engaging in discriminatory conduct on the basis of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or age.

Every effort will be made to support students’ learning. If the safety or educational program of others is compromised, or if there is an ongoing failure to meet the expectations of the Code of Conduct, a range of consequences will follow. Whenever possible, incidents will be resolved by discussion and mediation.

Focus Education Services expects all prospective and existing students to meet and respect this Code of Conduct while taking Focus lessons or courses. Violation of any of the following will result in immediate dismissal from all lessons, courses and programs that Focus offers without a warning letter or refund of the tuition fees.


Focus Education Services(以下 Focus)ではご受講者皆様および講師にとって安全で信頼できる学習環境を提供するため、レッスンご受講時の行動規範をここに定めます。ご受講者および講師・スタッフは常に下記を提供する責任があります。

  • 学習サポート
  • 安全な環境
  • 個々人が快適と考える距離やプライバシーの尊重
  • 丁寧で思いやりがありお互いを尊重する態度


  • 他人の学習や活動を妨げる言動
  • いじめ、ハラスメント、脅迫、報復、差別、暴力的な要素を含む言動
  • 危険、もしくは不法な言動

Focusの受講者および講師・スタッフは BC Human Rights Codeで定められた内容に準じ、人種、皮膚の色、民族ルーツ、出生地、宗教、婚姻状況、家族状況、身体的・非身体的障害、性別、性的指向、ジェンダーアイデンティティ、差別的な言動もしくは年齢に基づいた差別的言動を行なってはいけません。


One-on-one Lesson Policy

  • Please decide the first day on application.
  • One-on-one lessons are offered online on Zoom. Please make sure you can go on Zoom on your device (PC or tablet recommended) by the first lesson. You only need a free account.
  • All lessons are basically scheduled at the same time on the same day of the week every week.
  • Schedule changes including time change and date change, can be made, upon discussion with the instructor, by 48 hours before the agreed start time. Please be noted that whether the lesson can be placed at the time/date you prefer depends on the instructor’s schedule at the point of discussion.
  • Cancellation can be accepted by 72 hours before the agreed start time. Any cancellation after that point is taken as one lesson “consumed”.
  • One lesson is 60 minutes.
  • The instructor waits for 10 minutes on the Zoom lesson link after the agreed start time if a student is late. The lesson is regarded as “consumed” in case of a no-show for being late for more than 10 minutes.


  • 初日レッスンをお決めください。
  • マンツーマンレッスンはZoom, Facebook メッセンジャー、もしくはGoogle Meetを使用いたします。初日レッスンまでに、レッスンでご使用予定のデバイス(パソコンかタブレット推奨)でZoomが使用できる状態にしておいてください。無料アカウントがあれば受講できます。
  • 基本的にレッスンは同じ曜日の同じ時間にスケジュールされます。
  • スケジュール変更(時間変更もしくは日時変更)は当初のレッスン時間の48時間前までに講師へ直接ご連絡ください。ご希望の日時へ変更ができるかどうかは、その時点での講師のスケジュール次第であることをご了承ください。
  • レッスンキャンセルは当初のレッスン時間の72時間前までであれば、受け付けることができます。それ以降のキャンセルは「レッスン1回消化」とみなされますのでご注意ください。
  • 1レッスン60分です。
  • レッスンにご遅刻された場合、講師は10分間Zoomで待機いたします。10分以降ご遅刻された場合、もしくは、レッスンに出席されなかった場合は、「レッスン1回消化」とみなされますのでご注意ください。

Refund Policy

Focus will refund lesson/course fees to students who voluntarily withdraw as follows.

Up to and including the 30th calendar days from the start date of the lesson/program — 90% Refund of Tuition (less administrative fee and non-refundable portion of the tuition deposit)
Up to and including the 5th calendar days from the start date of the lesson/program — 50% Refund of Tuition (less administrative fee and non-refundable portion of the tuition deposit)
After the lesson/program started — No Refund of Tuition

Non-refundable fees:

  • An administrative fee of $250/cancellation is charged to students to cover the cost of processing a transaction.
  • Any grant and scholarship must be returned to Focus upon dismissal.
  • Any portion that was paid to a third party, individual, organization or agent which introduced Focus lesson services to the student (15~35% of the tuition)
  • Any bank transaction fees and/or credit card fees.




  • キャンセル手続き1回につき、事務手数料$250が発生します。
  • レッスン受講に伴って発生したいかなる補助金や奨学金はレッスンキャンセル時にすべてお戻しください。
  • Focusのレッスンをご紹介いただいた第三者への支払い(一般的に受講費の15~35%がこれにあたります)はご返金致しかねます。
  • 銀行振込手続き料やクレジットカード手数料をお支払いいただきます。

Refund Request

All refund requests must be made in writing. Write a request and submit it to info@focus-education.ca.

Request Dates:
Refunds are calculated based on the date a written notification is received by Focus Education Services by email.

Administrative Fee:
All refunds are subject to an administrative fee of $250.



返金内容は、Focus Education Servicesに返金お問い合わせメールが届いた日から日数計算がなされます。
